Thursday, August 27, 2009


well im workin on designing a sweet blazer idea i have for females. it's still kinda a sketch in my head but i'll put some photos of the sketches up and post as the project continues.

I'm picturing a thin black blazer blending into ruffles at the bottom. the bottom and back end will drape down toward the back of the legs on the right side (almost like a sheet rapped around your body and it falls, somewhat imperfectly, down your legs)

It'll be the perfect coat for a cool windy fall day i promise!!

here are some pics i plan to incorporate to give you an idea...

ill have some sketches up sooon! i gotta check out NY for some fabric

Saturday, August 22, 2009


TIME, i think TIME is the least welcome part of life. People, including myself, always wish the opposite of what TIME is doing at some points of our lives. like when i was a little kid and christmas was a month away, or school reached the middle of the year, TIME wasn't moving fast enough. When i'd hang with good friends or look back at my life, TIME went too fast. If i made the biggest mistake of my life or something horrible happened, TIME "should have" been reversed but wasn't.
The funny thing is, TIME never changed what it was doing throughout all those situations. We can't control time, it just happens, and you have to do the best you can with it. If you believe in life AFTER death, do you also believe that life NOW, can affect life after death??
I mean obviously in this current life, anything you've done in the past has affected your present and future in some way. So why WOULDN'T life after death be affected by life b4?

I hate TIME but love it at... the.. same.......t i m e....hmmm? lol

Time, Clock work, TICKING TICKING TICKING, you can't control it but it can easily control you. Don't let it. Take control of the TIME you're given. Put it to an eternal value!


Yes i got to witness some awesome things today(this would be one of them).
well The Rock Club in New Rochelle NY was pretty sweet, and! got a chance to try a natural boulder that was around the corner from the gym with my bud Dave. probably the most challenging part at first was to figure out where any holds were and to lay out whatever problem we could find. But it just made climbing a bit more interesting so i plan on continuing.

I wanna play some sick music and make the most ultimate film or something to portray the most intense emotion! But time is always an issue with anything, so ill do what i can.

love ya!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


got home. decided it was so hot that i should just cut my i did....feel alot better now.

had a chill time in long branch with some good friends. It's always a good time when theres a good balance of activeness and chillness (they contradict by meaning, but balance is the definition of two contradicting forces putting out equal work).
SO... i think if nights were always balanced in this way then it is guaranteed that people will have a good time :) YAH MAHN.

For some reason i just havn't had much desire to be at the beach this summer. I guess working by the beach will do that to you.

you people need to listen to Blonde Redhead! it's a strange name but the voice just seems to be addicting to hear. so go ahead

and sweet video and cool song by RJD2 check it...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


had a pretty sweet time in Boston yest. It makes me want to start riding a road bike around town but it doesn't really work when you live a half hour (by car) from your job and when you need to lug heavy music equip. around all the time.
well boston has to be the ultimate spot to do anything in the summer. i would totally move there if it didn't get so cold in the winter months. we decided to follow the "Freedom Trail" which i'm sure all visitors do when they go, BUT it just makes such an easy way to see some awesome things. prob the best thing about walking around through boston is the geographically hilly nature of it. To be able to stand in one intersection and look down a street at the tops of buildings and on a different street look up to other buildings just gives me a random good feeling.

if anyone gets the chance to go to boston definitely go.
i think im gonna start writing songs about random good feelings just to put a proper sound to the feeling.

Thank you :o I LOVE YOU